Sabrina Jung

Sabrina Jung (b. 1978, Neuss) is a contemporary visual artist working with photography and collage. Her work explores themes of identity, gender, the male gaze and social roles. In another body of work, she deals with images of a transient and at the same time sublime nature. In her portrait series, she primarily uses archival black and white photographs from professional photo studios of the 20th century. By processing the image material using various digital techniques and manual montage, she transforms these analog photographic portraits into fictitious portraits of non-existent people. This process exposes the construction of identity and enables a dialog on a meta-level.

Jung critically examines the photographic medium and the photographer's gaze, creating images that encourage the viewer to reflect on power relations, gender equality and the construction of self-images. The hand-cut, mounted 'masks' in her works conceal the original faces and at the same time reflect the viewer's expectations. Jung's pictures, which show "people without identity – but with an intention", challenge the viewer to reflect on themselves and question their own perceptions and evaluations.

Sabrina Jung studied photography at the Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen and graduated with a diploma with distinction. Her work has been exhibited at the Kunstmuseum Bonn, the Sprengel Museum Hannover, the Kunsthaus Nürnberg and the Centre photographique Pôle Image Rouen, among others. She was nominated for the Stiftungspreis Fotokunst in 2020 and received a working grant from the Ministry of Science, Research and Culture of Brandenburg (MWFK) in the same year. In 2021, she was awarded a Neustart Kultur Stipend by VG Bild-Kunst, followed by a stipend from Kunstfonds Bonn in 2022. Currently, Jung lives and works in Berlin.

*1978 Neuss, Germany
lives and works in Berlin
2001 – 2007 Study of Photography, Folkwang University of the Arts Essen
2005 Erasmus Stipend, Zurich University of the Arts, Switzerland
20062017 'Weisser Salon' Sabrina Jung, Anne Lass, Sonia Jiménez Alvarez &
Patricia Neligan

2007 Diploma with distinction, Folkwang University of the Arts Essen with Prof. Jörg Sasse

2023 Nomination / 20th Brandenburg Art Prize
2022 Neustart Kultur Stipend / Kunstfonds Bonn
2021 Neustart Kultur Stipend / VG Bild-Kunst
2020 Nomination / Stiftungspreis Fotokunst / Alison & Peter Klein Foundation
2020 working grant / country of Brandenburg / MWFK
2019 Project Grant / Plattform Kulturelle Bildung & Demokratie leben!
2018 Nomination / 13th Brandenburg Art Prize
2016 Nomination / 6th International Marianne Brandt Award
2013 Artist in Residence / Hanstholm Fyr, DK
2010 Nomination / New York Photo Award
2009 Nomination / New York Photo Award
2008 Nomination / Newcomer Photo España

shows selection

2024 Mother / Galerie Gisela Clement, Bonn / Vernissage 26.9.24 / 27.9.24 –1.1.25
2024 Schöne Aussichten / Kunsthalle Bahnitz / 22.6. – 1.9.24

2023 SOLO „Art & Nature“ Wintergarten Floristik x Galerie Gisela Clement, Bonn
2023 „Who´s afraid of stardust?“ Kunsthaus Nürnberg (C)
2023 SOLO „Simple Present“ Sabrina Jung + Kaj Osteroth, MWFK, Potsdam
2023 „Brandenburgischer Kunstpreis“ Schloß Neuhardenberg (C)
2023 „Flüchtigkeit des Augenblicks“ Kunsthalle Bahnitz (C)

2022 „Idylle“ Galerie Gisela Clement, Bonn
2022 „Art Düsseldorf“ Galerie Gisela Clement

2021 SOLO „Rethinking Now“ Galerie Gisela Clement, Bonn
„Sehnsucht & Ahnung" Cooperation with Ensemble Ruhr, Maschinenhalle Essen
2021 „Art Cologne“ Galerie Gisela Clement
2021 „Landeinwärts: Einblick – Ausblick“ Landtag Brandenburg, Potsdam (C)

2020 „faces-traces“ Galerie Gisela Clement, Bonn
2020 „Stiftungspreis Fotokunst – Gegenwart Erinnerung“ KUNSTWERK, Alison & Peter Klein Foundation (C)
2020 „Heile Welt“ Kunsthalle Bahnitz, Brandenburg (C)

2019 „Gezielte Setzungen. Übermalte Fotografie in der zeitgenössischen Kunst“ Sprengel Museum, Hannover (C)

2018 „The female Gaze II“ Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin
2018 „The female Gaze I“ Kunsthaus Erfurt
2018 „Brandenburgischer Kunstpreis“ Schloß Neuhardenberg (C)
2018 „Sehnsucht nach Landschaft“ Kunsthalle Bahnitz

2016 „Kopf und Kragen“ Galerie der Stadt Backnang (C)
2016 „Mit anderen Augen“ Kunsthaus Nürnberg (C)
2016 „l‘Autre visage“ Centre photographique Pôle Image, Rouen, F
2016 „Quovadis“ Kunst & Denker, Düsseldorf
2016 „Geschenkt. Gekauft. Gefunden.“ Münchner Stadtmuseum
2016 „Mit anderen Augen“ Kunstmuseum Bonn (C)
2016 „Materialeffekte“ International Marianne Brandt Prize, Industriemuseum Chemnitz (C)

2015 „Baywatch“ Galerie Hartwich, Sellin, Rügen
2015 „Landschaf(f)tkunst V“ Neuwerder, Brandenburg (C)

2013 „Field Work – kunstfotografi fra Tyskland“ Det ny Kastet, Thisted, DK

2012 SOLO „Beutetiere“ Galerie Römerapotheke, Zürich, Schweiz
2012 „mock room“ brutto gusto, Berlin
2012 „Eros & Thanatos – Sammlung Rusche“ Spinnerei, Leipzig
2012 „Cliffhanger“ Minken & Palme, Berlin

2011 SOLO „Snake Handling“ Sabrina Jung + Phanos Kyriacou, Kreuzberg Pavillion, Berlin
2011„Rundblick 2011 – Schöne Wahrnehmung“ Temporary Gallery, Köln (C)
2011„Nullportrait“ Galerie Zink, Berlin
2011„Het is aan“ Nieuw Dakota, Amsterdam, NL
2011„Les questions sont plus denses que les réponses“ general Public, Berlin
2011„Taste my photons“ Noorderlicht Gallery, Groningen, NL
2011„Great Opening“ Kreuzberg Pavillion, Berlin

2010 SOLO „Inter Zink #5“ Galerie Zink, München
2010 „Behind the billboard“ MK Galerie, Berlin (Weisser Salon)
2010 „Genre“ Kunstraum t27, Berlin
2010 „Der Himmel leuchtet – 6 Positionen zur Collage“ Galerie Rupert Pfab, Düsseldorf
2010 „Sugary photographs with tricks, poses and effects“ Depot Dam, Antwerp, BE (C)
2010 „Girl Overkill“ Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin
2010 „Madonna Psycho Slut“ Grimmuseum, Berlin
2010 „NowHere“ Centrum for Beeldende Kunst, Rotterdam, NL (Weisser Salon)
2010 „One world is not enough“ Galerie Merkle, Stuttgart (Weisser Salon)

2009 „Spuren“ Kunstraum t27, Berlin
2009 „middle of nowhere“ LUMP Gallery, Raleigh, USA
2009 „Immodest Proposals“ Version Fest, Eastern Expansion, Chicago, USA (Weisser Salon)
2009 „Noise“ Raum für Kunst & Musik, Köln (Weisser Salon)
2009 „Viel“ Galerie Mikro, Düsseldorf

2008 SOLO „Displays Unplugged“ Galerie Mikro, Düsseldorf
2008 „Newcomer Photo España“ Complejo El Aguila, Madrid
2008 „Mind the Gap“ Version Fest, Country Club, Chicago, USA (Weisser Salon)

2007 SOLO „Bühnen Kulissen Modelle“ Kunsthaus Essen (C)
2007 „Unkraut“ Zhou B. Center, Chicago, USA (Weisser Salon)
2007 „Diplome 2007“ Forum Kunst & Architektur, Essen

2006 „Sehwege“ Oldenburger Kunstverein (C)
2006 „Public Folder #2“ Cuisine Digitale, Museumsquartier, Wien (C)
2006 „Public Folder #2“ Raum für Kunst und Musik, Köln (C)
2006 „Public Folder #1“ / Galerie Mikro, Düsseldorf (C)

(C) Catalog

Publications Selection
__Who’s Afraid Of Stardust? / Hrsg. Kunsthaus & Kunsthalle Nürnberg, 2023
__Gegenwart I Erinnerung / Stiftungspreis Fotokunst / Hrsg. KUNSTWERK, Alison & Peter Klein Foundation, 2020
__Gezielte Setzungen. Übermalte Fotografie in der zeitgenössischen Kunst /
Hrsg. Sprengel Museum Hannover, 2019
__Ost-Frauen – Wendezeit / Portraits & Interviews / Sabrina Jung & Claudia König, Kunstverein Bahnitz e.V., 2019
__Public/Private/Portrait, mossless 4 / Hrsg. Romke Hoogwaerts & Charlotte Cotton, 2016
__Mit anderen Augen / Hrsg. Kunstmuseum Bonn, 2016
__Rising – 100 young artists to keep an eye on / daab Verlag, 2011
__Rundblick 2011 – Schöne Wahrnehmung / Temporary Gallery, Cologne, 2011
__Sugary photographs with tricks, poses and effects / Time to meet, 2010
__Otzenrath – ein Dorf verschwindet / Künstlerbuch, Sabrina Jung, 2006
